Donate to the shelter
Not ready to adopt but still want to help a shelter companion ? Donating is a great way to make a difference in the lives of the animals!
Monetary Donations
Monetary Donations are now accepted at the shelter. All monetary donations to the shelter are used to meet animal care needs such as routing or emergency medical care, spay and neutering, and supplies needed at the shelter to care for the animals. Donations can also be made in honor of compassionate friends, coworkers and relatives. The shelter also accepts donations in memory of people and pets. Checks should be made out to Stafford County Animal Shelter and can be mailed to: 26 Frosty Lane, Stafford, Virginia 22554 or brought directly to the shelter. Receipts are given upon request.
Needed Donation Items
Kitten milk
Kitty litter - non-clumping
High Efficiency Liquid detergent and bleach
Paper towels
Puppy milk
Rawhides and chew treats - They love pig ears
Towels and blankets
Puppy Pads
Adult Dry/Canned Cat Food
Baby food - chicken, turkey, and beef; no vegetables please
Dry/Canned kitten and cat food
Dry/Canned puppy and dog food
Cat toys
Dishes and bowls of any kinds for cats and dogs
Dog toys - Tennis balls, squeaky toys, rope toys,kongs, etc
6' Slip on Dog Leashes

Help keep our adoptable pets cozy with the donation of a dog or cat bed for their kennel. Your purchase will be shipped directly to the Stafford County Animal Shelter and put to immediate use! To learn more or to donate a bed, please visit: DONATE A KURANDA BED TO SCAS
We now have an Amazon Wishlist that contains items to benefit our shelter pets. SEE OUR WISHLIST