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Dog Licenses and Kennel Licenses

Permanent Dog License 

Did you know?

If you live in Stafford County you are required to get your dog(s) licensed? That's right! All dogs over the age of 4 months are required to have an updated rabies vaccine and license through Stafford County. Permanent licenses are available for purchase at the Stafford County Animal Shelter or the Stafford County Treasurers office. The cost of a permanent tag is $10.00 per dog in the household. The tag is good for the lifetime or the dog, but the owner is still responsible for keeping the rabies vaccine up to date. 

If you are wanting to purchase a Permanent Dog License, you will need an up to date rabies certificate. Rabies certificate will need to include the name of the veterinarian clinic, when the vaccine was given, vaccine expiration date, and rabies tag number. Please make sure to update your information and animal statuses at the time of tag purchase. 

Kennel License


If you have more than 5 dogs in the household, there is an option to purchase a kennel license which covers up to 25 dogs. You must make sure you are zoned for this kind of license. Please check with Stafford County Zoning. A kennel license requires updated rabies vaccinations for each dog. It cost $25.00 to purchase a kennel license and you must renew them once a year. 





***Please be advised that dog tags and dog licenses are not the same. You can purchase a dog tag over the counter. Dog licenses must be purchased through the county***





As of July 1, 2007 veterinarians are required to report to the Treasurer of the locality in which they practice within 45 days of giving a rabies vaccine.  The Code of Virginia (3.1-796.87:1) mandates the Treasurer to transmit an application to all dog owners that have not purchased a dog license within 90 days of the rabies vaccination.  Failure to purchase a dog license within 30 days of receipt of the application requires the Treasurer's Office to notify Animal Control of the unlicensed animal.








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